June 2012 Moms

Stupid food aversions! (VENT)

So I'm at work and filling up my water cup (again) when I see some extra food from a lunch meeting on the table. And low and behold, there was a portobello mushroom, roasted red pepper, mozzarella, and balsamic sandwich (my favorite)!! I snatch it up and sneak it to my desk to eat it. One bite in, and bleh! I could barely swallow it! Had to throw the whole thing away.Just another crappy day in the 1st trimester.

Food aversions, go away... and soon!! LO you're making Mommy miss her favorite foods. Give the roasted red peppers a chance, you'll love them just like Mommy does! 

Thank for listening... anyone else as crabby as me? 

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