June 2012 Moms

passed out twice at dr. office...

So I had my first appointment yesterday. Thought I could be a big girl and not have to take my mom with me like I did back with DD. I was wrong. All we did was talk and they took blood. Well, that was my problem. It took so long and I'm a fainter in general with that kind of stuff. I told them I had to lay down which I did, but half way through the nurse said my lips turned blue and my face white like a ghost. Typical for me in these situations so no big deal. She wouldn't let me get up and gave me a cold washclothe for my face. I felt better so I got up very slowly and we walked to make my u/s appointment. As I was standing there the feeling came back and they rushed me to a chair. They wouldn't let me drive so they called my mother to come get me. Thankfully the rest of the blood draws are quicker as they don't take as much. I hope this doesn't happen again!
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