Upstate NY Babies

Need help with gift idea (NBR)

My aunt and uncle are like parents to me since I lost my mom, so I like to get them something nice for Christmas, but finding gifts are SO difficult.

Last year I got them a really nice Gel Pro mat for the kitchen.  I've gotten them a really nice squirrel proof bird feeder with a big bag of hulled sunflower seeds.  Looking to spend around $75-100.

They both have environmental professions, travel frequently, and are very active (run, bike, volleyball, etc).

So.. I am at a loss as to what to get them.  If I can't figure anything out, I'm going to use abba's idea of a B&B gift card, but I generally try to not do GCs.

What do you think of this?  It is an office chair that promotes good posture and strengthens muscles.  My aunt does graphic design (for environmental companies) and my uncle is a professor, so they do spend time sitting in their home office.  I just have no idea..


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