June 2012 Moms

The nurse told me how to work the system :)

Yesterday I called my doctor's office to discuss a my 1st appointment for next week.  I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything special I needed to do. 

By next week I'll be almost 8 weeks.  They had told me that generally my first visit will be a routine exam, then she will set-up an appointment for a (belly) ultrasound and the genetic testing (around 11-13 weeks).  I asked about an internal u/s and she said it's not standard protocol to do one (unless high risk or had problems in the past), but she said to tell the doctor that we are anxious and wondering about twins (I'm a fraternal twin) and she will probably do one, but I can't tell her the nurse told me Wink

I'm not getting my hopes up that she will do one.  I have no problem waiting till 11-13 weeks.  I guess I just want reassurance that everything is going accordingly in there.  Also, the nurse checked with my insurance and said that I can have as many u/s as long as the doctor writes a script for them or calls for them - and my co-pay for the u/s is only $30.00. 

Just a question for you ladies - the nurse told me that they do u/s one night a week - Tuesdays between 5-8pm?  or the Dr. can give me a script to go elsewhere... is that normal practice?

TIA :)


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