June 2012 Moms

BFP Today!

Hi ladies! I found out today that I will be joining you June moms. From the way it looks, my due date will be June 28. This will the first baby for my husband and I. Excited....and a little scared, too!

I decided to take a test at work today, although AF was not supposed to arrive for two more days. I had been having some symptoms the past couple days - sore boobs, stomach cramps, fatigue, a little queasiness. I really didn't expect the test to be positive - and I think my jaw hung open for a solid 10 seconds when I saw those two pink lines! I ended up telling my three closest friends at work right away, who all screamed and jumped around and hugged me. I took a digital test when I got home from work, and "Pregnant" immediately popped up on the screen.

I wasn't able to tell DH until late this evening. He and his dad were doing a little remodeling in our bathroom, and I wanted to wait until his dad left before I told him. When I shared the news, he was basically shocked....not surprisingly to me. We were not trying, but not preventing either. I have been off BC for four cycles now. It was going to happen eventually, but I didn't think it would happen for at least a few more months.

I have a blood test tomorrow morning to triple confirm the BFP. I seriously cannot get over the fact that I am pregnant! I am so looking forward to sharing this journey with you ladies over the next nine months :) Congrats to all of you! 




BabyFruit Ticker

BFP: 10/26/11 EDD: 6/28/12

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