June 2012 Moms

I need somebody to pat me on the head please!

I am seriously way more worried about m/c than I probably should be.  I know the stats and everything, but I just have this fear that I'm gonna m/c.  I don't know if it's still shock from the BFP (only found out Monday!) or if it's the fact that we tried so long and hard to get here that subconsiously I expect staying pg to be just as difficult as becoming pg.  I have zero symptoms of m/c at all.  I do, however, have plenty of pg symptoms. LOL  Sore bbs, dizziness if I stand up too fast, pretty hardcore nausea in the mornings, general queaziness during the day.  But I can't get the nervousness out of my system.  I freak out over every little twinge and cramp.  They just feel like AF cramps, but my AF cramps are pretty hardcore.  I feel them in my lower abs, back, thighs, and knees.  So it's somewhat painful, but not any moreso than regular AF cramps, kwim?

Anyway, moral of this long rambling unorganized thought is someone please pat me on the head and tell me I'm not the only one spazzing out, ok?  Thanks. :D

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