June 2012 Moms

Early ultrasounds---measurements?

So I know my ticker is wrong, I should be 7w today (not 8w) based on O date. I O "late" all the time. So we had a dating u/s. I'm only measuring 6w 2d. It was a little surprising as I was confident in the 7w date. Am I over-thinking this? I hope it's ok that the Peanut grows a little slower. Ugh. We did see the h/b and it measured at just 101 bpm. With DD we had a dating u/s at what turned out to be just 5w6d and her h/b was 105. Trying not to stress. Sometimes ignorance is bliss!!! I'm just too worried now that LO#2 isn't even at the 7w mark like I thought. I'm crazy, right? haha
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