June 2012 Moms

Kinda strange encounter with a random stranger....

I was at a Fall Festival this past weekend with my mom, dh, and dd and was waiting in the line to use the bathroom.  This woman was in front of me with her two kids. After she was out of the restroom, I went in. Apparently after I went in, she said to my mom "Oh  I'm so sorry I didn't let her go first...is she pregnant?" My mom told me when I came out (I hadn't even told my mom yet!).  I really don't think I'm showing that much! Even my own mother didn't know.  When my mom told me what she said, I blurted out "how did she know!" So of course I had to spill the beans to her! So strange! Now I'm starting to wonder if my bloat is as bad as I think it is! lol!
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers BabyFetus Ticker m/c at 8weeks 2007 DD born 2009 m/c at 15weeks 2010 m/c at 6weeks 2011
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