June 2012 Moms

New Taste Buds = Whale?

So I am now totally worried that I am going to turn into a whale during this pregnancy. Something must have happened to my tastebuds in the last 48hrs because now EVERYTHING is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER TASTED.

For example - I had a powerbar before yoga yesterday, and when I got home DH made me a toasted everything bagel with cream cheese and tomato with some grapes on the side - and it was sooo good. I mean, it was the best bagel I have ever had in my life.  I have some dark chocolate caramels (single pieces) at work and I could worship them they taste soo good. It took all the self control I have to not eat the entire box at once.

Even at the movie last night (it had been about 2months since we had been to a movie) the popcorn was out of this world! So perfectly warm with the perfect combination of butter and salt... I couldn't get enough.

So now I'm worried that since seemingly everything tastes sooo good that I am going to just eat everything and gain like 100lbs during this pregnancy. Which is fantastic. It's not like I just lost a bunch of weight and was just getting comfortable in my own skin, or that I am already a high-risk and the extra weight is no big deal for gestational diabetes or preeclampsia or anything like that.

Anyone else's tastbuds doing funny things? 

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