June 2012 Moms


Last time I posted, I was having a lot of very painful cramping. I didn't end up calling the doctor and a day or two later the cramping stopped and has yet to return (knock on wood), which I am very thankful for.

I'm still pretty tired and lethargic, even though I'm not sleeping very well at night.  I'm hungry every couple of hours, but when I do eat, I get full quickly, so I don't eat a whole lot...hence the continuous snacking.  This is slightly annoying as I'm wanting to cook full meals everyday now, opposed to the once or twice a week before I got preggo, and I'm not able to eat everything I make!  Not being able to eat a lot probably also has to do with the fact that I have been blessed with the constipation symptom.  When I do finally have to go, it's not difficult or painful, but there is always blood.  Any thoughts on that? 

Tomorrow is my first prenatal appointment and thankfully, I will have work to keep me distracted so I don't go crazy with anxiety. If everything is good, we will start telling our family and closest friends.  We're not going to completely publicize the news until I'm through my first trimester, but it's hard to keep it a secret from the people we are around the most.  A lot of our friends know we have been not "not trying" so they ask every now and then if there's been any progress and I feel really bad lying to them, although having a secret like this is fun:)  So, if all is well, I will need to get my thinking cap on to come up with creative ways to tell them because I want it to be something more exciting then just randomly blurting it out.

 Now I'm off to be with my friend as she has her baby girl.  I will be taking mental notes the whole time...I don't know if it will prepare me or freak me out for the whole delivery process-probably both!   

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