Upstate NY Babies

Toddlers and TV

LO has had very limited tv viewing.  This is mostly due to our schedule. There hasn't been time in the morning for her to watch it and when we get home, it's dinner, bath and bed.

However a few weeks ago she started showing a real interest.  She would pick up the remote and say "on-on" (I will sometimes have the news on while we eat dinner or while I'm cooking so she knows what the tv is obviously - oh and I watched it a TON when nursing her).  I decided let her watch a few kids-on-demand shows  to see if she even had the attention spam for it.  Turns out she does and she really likes it. 

The problem is that now she wants it on before work (while eating breakfast) and afterwork (while I'm cooking).  I don't know if I want her watching it or not.  On one hand knowing that she is sitting on the couch makes my life easier because I can cook with out having to chase her around.  On the other hand I like that previously she was up and about and playing with her toys.

So I guess I have a few questions.  Is this a phase? Will the newness wear off? Do I limit it to just morning or just after work? Does it really not matter? Is using it as a babysitter while I cook worst-mom-of-the-year material or completely normal?

I don't have anything against tv viewing in general. The only shows I put on are ones I'm okay with her watching by herself. I need some perspective here and I think you all can really help so TIA! :-) 

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