June 2012 Moms

difficulty sleeping? Hip pain?

Hi All!

 I will officially introduce myself, those who don't know me from TTGP my name is Ashley ( cleary from my SN.. I know I'm clever) and I'm 27 and dh is 30 expecting our first! Yay! My EDD is 6.28.12 ... based on LMP.

My question is: has anyone else have difficult sleeping due to hip pain and lower back pain? I can hardly get a good night sleep! I tried sleeping with pillows on either side of me to hug, and between my legs...  I'm pretty much drowning in pillows. Now, I love pillows it just hurts to lay on one side for a long period of time.

Last night I tried sleeping on a soft pillow under my hips and that seemed to work for awhile until it flops around or falls off the bed. *sigh*

Do you think it's too early to try and get a pregnancy pillow? I'm not sure if this will help the hip pain or not. Any ideas are welcome!

 I'm exhausted!

BFP #1: 8.23.11 C/P (4w)
BFP #2: 10:21.11 EDD 6.28.11 Born 6.22.12 Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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