June 2012 Moms

Seriously, no ultrasound for me?

I went to my Dr on Monday for my first prenatal appt.  My Dr's office doesn't have ultrasound equipment, so I know we can't have them done there.  But she sent in a requistion for  me to have one done, since I've been having lots of bad cramps and a little bit of bleeding.  I called the u/s booking desk today to make sure they had received my req. and was told they had booked me for Jan 23!  They decided that if I am not bleeding anymore everything must be fine and they won't do my u/s until I am 19 weeks.  ??  Since when does a booking clerk get to decide when I should have my u/s?  If my Dr wants it now, I think I should have it now.  She also said that since we have an approx. date of my LMNP that is good enough and there is no need to date it right now.  Uggh, I can't wait that long.  How unfair!
IAmPregnant Ticker
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