Single Parents

Has anyone modified child support?

Our final court order was put in place in early 2010, with a set amount of child support and custody arrangements. I know, for a fact, that my ex-husband purposefully worked 25 hour weeks during that time, instead of his normal 40 hour weeks, to have his child support lowered (we only had to bring in our pay stubs for the previous month - not tax returns for the previous year). My salary has increased by 1%, due to a teaching step raise we finally received this year (and haven't for three years). 

Anyway, child care was not included in the original amount, because my mom was watching the girls for free. Now, they are about to start school to the tune of $560/month. I plan on calling family court during my planning period today - but do you think this qualifies as a reason to go back to court for an adjustment? I'm hoping to do it without retaining my attorney again.




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