Single Parents

:-( rant... blah.

I know I'm still really new here, but I have no where else to talk about this.

I'm now 17 weeks pregnant as of today.

Got in a huge fight with the baby's father last night. It didn't turn out well. He's not going to pay for anything unless he can see the kid (joint custoday, everything equal). I don't have anything against him seeing his kid, but I am going to be the primary caregiver, the baby will live with me... I don't want the kid going away for a week with the father.  He lives over 3 hours away! Just the swap would be killer on both of us.  AND His apartment is terrible... no door on the bathroom, no room for a crib, nothing like that. Yet he thinks he can take care of the baby in that. Not only that, he has 2 cats that shed EVERYWHERE and he doesn't know how to clean!  His apartment is seriously disgusting and he thinks it's completely fine. GROSS. Also... he works second shift (3pm-midnight). So how in the world is that going to work? Just seems ridiculous to even try with this man.

I can't stand the man. I honestly wish the father was someone else. Someone who has a stable life and a good job. I can't worry about this much longer. This is stress I don't need in my life.

Sorry for the rant.

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