June 2012 Moms

Holy Ultrasound Results~

So my husband and I have not told everyone that we are pregnant yet and I am so excited I feel like I am going to scream so I thought I would post it on here.  Today we had our first u/s appointment.  The nurse I met with last week wanted to do a dating ultrasound just to make sure that I was not farther along than I thought or to make sure there was not more than one baby.I went today and the tech did an external exam first and then told me she needed to do an internal.  When she got to the internal she said "Yep that's what I thought."  I was panicked I thought there was no heartbeat or something horrible like that.  Then she said "There's one, and there's two!"  My husband just about fell over.  THEN she said that there were two hearbeats, two umbilical cords, and one sac.  Identical Twins.  I am still in shock ( I think my husband will be until they arrive) but I am so excited I had to tell it somewhere!  They moved my due date back 3 days, to June 9th but I will most likely deliver some time in May.  Good luck ladies and I hope some of you get incredible results from your first u/s like we did!!!! :)
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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