June 2012 Moms

Joining in on the weekend scary

Sunday I made a post titled "Crappity crap crap" about spotting light pink.  After I made that post I sat in bed and everything was fine, until I had to go to the restroom.  I can't call it spotting, because it was more than that, but there was a lot of red blood in the toilet.  I freaked my freak.  I truly thought we were losing the baby.  I called the after hours nurse and we set up a time to get an ultrasound on Monday.  She told me that I was way too early to see a heartbeat so to be prepared that there wouldn't be one. 

Fortunately, she found the baby and the heartbeat right away!  It was pretty amazing.  The heartbeat is pretty slow, but she said it's just because it is just now starting to beat and it will pick up.  I'm going in for a repeat ultrasound on Monday just for some reassurance though.  Also, I got this sweet picture.  I think it is the cutest dot I've ever seen. :-)


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12 dpo: HCG = 184 Progesterone = 34
14 dpo: HCG = 529 Progesterone = 24.6
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