June 2012 Moms

First appointment, got a little scary, but all is good!

Had my first appointment with a midwife today. It was supposed to be just a pap (I was due for my yearly) and a general exam.

I really like the midwife I saw today. For one, she was excited I was charting, looked at the chart I brought in, and agreed with my EDD. So that was nice :) She was very easy to talk to, very warm and great at answering my questions and explaining things to me. I'm going to meet a few other midwifes at the practice, but I think I may just ask to see only her, depending on how I feel about the others.

So, the part that got scary was the vaginal exam. While she was pressing on my right ovary she felt a growth. I wasn't supposed to have an ultrasound, but she ordered one because of the growth she felt. She told me she wanted to rule out ectopic pregnancy. She assured me that she was pretty sure all was well, but it freaked me out nonetheless. I had to wait 20 minutes in the waiting room before I had the ultrasound, and that felt like eternity!

Thankfully, everything turned out fine. The baby is in my uterus, where she belongs, and I have a cyst on my right ovary, which the tech said is very common early on. Yay for good news, and YAY for getting to see my baby earlier than I expected!! Of course, there wasn't much there to see, but it was still awesome :) 

Also, I was very relieved to see only ONE sac. All these twin announcements had me worried, and I had an ultrasound during a previous pregnancy (did not result in a take home baby)  that showed 2 sacs, so I was a bit nervous.

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