June 2012 Moms

Update on SCH

I had an ultrasound scheduled for today and baby looks fantastic! Heart rate is 146, he/she has grown just the right amount. Bad news is there is still a large blood clot close to the sac, but the doctor doesn't seem super concerned about it as long as I stay on bed rest (really HATE my house lately... let me OUT!!)... but he said around 90 percent of pregnancies with a SCH end up just fine. He also corrected me because I thought my due date was June 8th, but it's really June 7th. Not that baby will come on that exact day, but still :)
In other news I will also be able to stop my progesterone injections on Friday... YAY!!!!!!!!! Have another u/s appointment on Tuesday and as long as everything looks okay I'll be released to my regular obgyn! I wanted to show you guys the u/s progression but can't figure out how to put a picture in here haha. I'm 24 but I'm not very good with technology.
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