Single Parents

It's over

I tried to make the marriage work. He said he wanted the marriage to work, but he kept lying and hanging out with the....girl he had the affair with. Just after our 2 year anniversary, I caught him in yet another lie and confronted him. I told him that I was done with this, and he had to choose, her or his family. He chose divorce. I was not surprised, but it still hurt.

It has been almost 2 months since he moved out. I'm getting together all of the information I'm going to need for the divorce, financial and otherwise.

I still love him and I want him as my husband. BUT, I don't want a husband that is going to lie to me and hurt me as he has. I deserve better. I don't want my son to think that lying and cheating are ok, which is what it would say if I stayed. My son deserves better than that. If my STBXH thinks that girl is more important than his family, than all he is showing is how truly selfish and immature he really is.

I just also know that this is going to be really hard for me. I found out that a few of my friends are on this board and they keeo saying how supportive you all are.

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