June 2012 Moms

Back from 1st u/s, not good.

So this pregnancy/baby doesn't seem to be normal... at all. I didn't get any u/s pictures, but it was the strangest u/s Ive ever seen.I had to ask the tech what I was looking at, and she said, "I THINK this is the baby..." and I said "where's the yolk sac???" and she said, "I don't see one". No heartbeat, and no blood flow showing in the gestational sac. I scheduled a follow up u/s for next week, although I doubt it'll be anything good (I just hope that I miscarry naturally and don't have to do another d&c). She also ran bloodwork today, and next week we are going to talk about going to a fertility specialist, as this is my 3rd m/c since May. (1 @ 9 weeks, 1 c/p, and now 1 @ 6 weeks). I wish you all happy & healthy pregnancies.

My Chart
Married 4/18/09
BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @9 wks::D&C 6/1/11
BFP #2 10/07/11
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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