June 2012 Moms


Anyone suffer from headaches and/or migraines whilst pregnant?! I used to suffer from a monthly migraine back when I was on birth control, but since I have been off (May 2010) and havent had a single one....until last night! I tried reading up on this and there is "some" data that says pregnant women get bad headaches or their headaches get better...

 Anyone else in the same boat? Tongue Tied Regular strength Tylenol just didnt do the trick l ast night!

TTC #1 Since Dec 2010 Diagnosed with PCOS July 2011 Metformin 1000mg July 2011/1500mg September 2011 !!!!!BFP Sept 25/11!!!!! EDD June 6/2012 Anniversary BabyName Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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