June 2012 Moms

To tell, or not to tell, that is the question... Vent

My family doesn't really like the idea of having children close in age because it somehow deprives the older children of their time as "being the baby." Needless to say they were less than ecstatic when we announced our second child (who was 15 months younger than our first) and I'm almost ready to catch hell for this one (which will be 12 months younger than our second.) They've not been shy about saying that two children is plenty, and that they won't be willing to help out if we have another one.

With that being said, I was planning on telling everyone at Thanksgiving when everyone is together so maybe everyone would be in a good mood and I'd hopefully not start getting the "Don't you know what causes that?" and "Poor DS1 and DS2, you're never going to have enough time to spend with them." But I really don't know whether or not I want to wait considering:

A. I don't want to ruin the holiday for myself, and everyone else involved by announcing and

B. DH has decided he wants to do a joint Thanksgiving and invite his sister and her family over as well, and if my family finds out that they found out first (we told the people who were most likely to be supportive first), they might get their panties in a wad about it even more.

So my question is: Would you tell your family before Thanksgiving to avoid the possible outcomes on the holiday itself? Or tell them on Thanksgiving in the hope that because they are all together (and in front of each other) they won't be @$$holes about our happy news?

Sorry, this turned into a much longer story than I anticipated, and if I knew how to put pictures of yummy baked treats in the bottom of the post I'd give everyone who read this the whole way through a whole plate full of cupcakes and cookies! Thanks Ladies!

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