June 2012 Moms

1st appt. update!

We went yesterday at 2 and had the sonogram first. While it wasn't the most comfortable thing, it was amazing to see our little bean! According to the sonogram tech and my OB, everything looks great so far. We have a "perfect" heartbeat, as the OB said.

I'm obsessed with my Dr. He's amazing. I just switched to him after having to call for some cramping early on. He was the one who returned my call and I'm soooo glad he did. He was also wearing DH's favorite sports team shirt with his scrub pants, so DH was smitten tooWhile we were waiting for the sonogram, we sat outside the office of my old OB/GYN and she was on the phone, with her office door open, talking really loudly all about her relationship and how she didn't know where it was going and she used the words "Like" and "totally" way too many times for comfort. She's also a year younger than me (and I'm 29), so that kind of creeped me out.

We go back in a month. I'm still cautious, but definitely have a little weight off my back after seeing the heartbeat.


Baby Boy - Born June 8, 2012 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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