Upstate NY Babies

Anyone else have a rough night?

Yawn.  Here was my night, in timeline form:

9:00:Last feeding for Audrey

9:45: Lights out

12:50-1:30: Stella is crying in her crib.  I go in and she's standing up but when I open the door, she immediately lays down.  I rub her back and cover her up, make sure she has her lovies, and walk out.  Dh goes in 4 times to do the same thing and I go back in 1 more time, too.  She finally falls back asleep.

*cue DH snoring*

1:50: Audrey wakes up to eat

2:20: Back to bed

*DH snoring*

2:30: Audrey has the hiccups.  Can she get rid of them and fall asleep?

2:40: Nope.  Get up and get the Gripe Water.  I walk into the nursery and Audrey hiccups once and passes out.  Grrrrrrrr.  Back to bed.

*DH snoring*

2:50: Stella cries out again, but falls back to sleep.

*DH snoring*

5:00: Audrey wakes up to eat.  DH leaves for work and I decide to stay up since I need to get used to this schedule when I go back to work next week.  Eat breakfast, pump, fold laundry....enjoy my quiet time.

Like I said, YAWN!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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