June 2012 Moms

Will you include older children in any u/s

My DS is 3 and we are trying to find ways to include him in this pregnancy. I kind of feel like the big u/s's that we will have are important dr appointments and that I don't want to bring DS but part of me does. My other thought was to do baby's first image with this pregnancy and go in for the gender scan at 16 weeks and bring DS to that. I thought that might be cool for him to see the 3d scan and to hear the heart beat. Are you including your kids who are old enough to understand that there is a baby in your belly to any of your appointments?? If not what do you plan to do to get them psyched about being a big bro/sis? 
Colin Patrick-7/14/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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