June 2012 Moms

BeBand (Target version of bella band)

My pants are sooo uncomfortable with all this bloat, so I went to target to buy their version of the bella band, called the BeBand. I ran in to a lady there that swore they were the best thing ever. I took one out of the box and it seriously just looked like a tub top I would have worn in college. But anyways, I wore it on Sunday, which is typically my lazy day. The only place I went to was church. I thought it worked pretty well at keeping my pants situated right. I didn't feel like my crack was going to be exposed any minute. (lol)

Today, I wore it to work and it did absolutely nothing for me. I work on the floor with developmentally delayed children, and I spend alot of time bending around, moving things, prompting the kids back in to their chair, that type of thing. I ended up having to force my pants buttoned half way thru the day, and I'm glad I brought my belt because I ended up having to put that on too. We aren't allowed to expose our underwear, back skin, (and certainly no crack) at any time. Sooo basically, I think the band may be okay for very lazy days or basic shopping errands, but forget moving around alot or dealing with children. Not gonna happen. It didn't even come close to keeping my pants up.

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