Upstate NY Babies

Keeping your cool and carseat question

1. How do you keep your cool when LO is just being unruly?

2. How do you deal with them not wanting to get in their carseat day after day?

This is how my daycare pick up went there and found out she had a horrible day. Her usual teacher was out and apparently DD didn't listen to the other teacher all day. Peed her pants twice (she's been accident free for 2wks now), refused to even lie down for rest time (therefore no nap again), etc. We got to leave and she melts down about getting her jacket on...fine, no jacket. I get her to the car and as soon as I open the back door she freaks out-screaming her head off, clinging to me, etc. I tried putting her in the carseat and she arches her back, got herself to where she was going head first towards the pavement and I lost it-I totally screamed at her b/c she scared me to death....this just lead to more of a meltdown, etc. Lets just say it took me over 20min to get her in the carseat-we were both in tears by the time we left. It was just awful. And she's been doing this for DH in the mornings as well now. I usually dont have a problem at pick up, but apparently that lucky steak is over.

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