June 2012 Moms

In need of some positive thoughts :)

Hi everyone, I'm reaching out for some positivity because my Dr. has only given me a 10% chance for a successful pregnancy Sad


I am 8 weeks exactly according to my lmp, but factoring my 34dc, I should be 7 weeks.  I had an ultrasound today and I saw a growing baby!  I had one last week and could see mostly yolk sac and a teeny blob, but today was definitely more baby :)  The baby measured 6w and 3 or 4 days.

 Baby also had a heart rate of 127.  The Dr. was concerned and said that was on the slow side.  He also said that the gestational sac was small, about 5w2d growth, and is not optimistic about this pregnancy.

 I've been researching all day and have only found that this heart rate (which was steady) is still in the normal range and that it's still very early to conclude that a small gestational sac is definitely problematic.

 Any insight?  I feel very pregnant, have had no spotting or bleeding, and I just kind of feel like this Dr. is a jerk to be quite honest.  I have made another appointment with a different ob practice for 2 weeks from now.

Me(29) DH(29) Married 7/3/06
DD(6!!) 10/4/06
Surprise BFP 5/07, M/C 6/17/07
TTC#2--BFP 9/30/11, EDD 6/4/12, M/C 10/31/11

BFP 5/25/12 EDD 2/4/13 Born 2/9/13
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