June 2012 Moms

1st appt & u/s tomorrow

9:00 AM! I probably won't be able to sleep well tonight, I am SO nervous!!! 

I had some spotting on Saturday that was brown, then red, then gone. I called the dr., and they switched me from Oral Prometrium to Crinone 8% Vaginal Suppositories. SO... I'm hoping & praying we see a little bean in there, all snuggled up for the long haul.

Anyone else have an appt tomorrow?! :) 

My Chart
Married 4/18/09
BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @9 wks::D&C 6/1/11
BFP #2 10/07/11
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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