June 2012 Moms

Hi there - intro

Hi June 2012 moms - I am so excited to join your group!

DH and I have been ttc for 3 years.  After 2 unsuccessful years on our own, we saw a fertility specialist and went thru all the testing.  Everything came back normal, just unexplained infertility.  We were going to start IUI and then had major scheduling conflicts and I kept on getting cysts.  So after several months of false starts, we just decided to keep trying on our own.  

I was a couple of days late today, took a test and got a BFP!  My DH's birthday is on thursday so I was going to try to wait and tell him then, but think I might cave and buy a cute onesie and give him an "early" bday gift today. 

I look forward to spending time on this board and going thru this journey with all of you!  DH and I will have been married for 7 years next month.  We have a 5 1/2 year old black lab and *just* rescued a 5 month old chocolate lab 2 weeks ago.  They are our babies!  We are at the point of all our friends and family thinking we will never have children, so it will be so hard to keep this quiet for a bit.   I truly can not stop smiling :)

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Cooper and Ellie

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