Upstate NY Babies

I know it.. but I need to hear it..

That Natalie is going to be JUST FINE if I give her some formula. I'm really bummed, I was hoping to get to 6 months EBF.. but it just isn't happening.. Despite our great start with BFing, once i returned to work, no surprise since i can't pump there, my supply has taken a big hit. I pump about half of what she eats while I'm at work when i get out.. and the nights that I'm off she seems STARVING.. and we've also been having some issues with her refusing to nurse because the flow isn't fast enough or there's not enough there..  We've been giving her an extra bottle the nights that I'm home the last couple weeks, and I haven't been pumping in the morning and after she goes to bed because I want to make sure I have enough to feed her, and shes been up earlier at night.. so my freezer stash will be all used up as of tomorrow..
So I think I'm going to give her a bottle of formula tonight. I'm not going to change anything else..  I'm going to keep pumping for a couple more months at least and hopefully we will be able to keep BFing during the day for awhile. I'm hoping I will just have to give her 1 bottle of formula on nights I'm home and maybe 2 on the nights I work.

I just feel guilty. Aside from a few hours after she was born and the first night she was home from the hospital Eve didn't have any formula til 6 months. She also didn't grow from 5 to 6 months though.. I promised myself i wouldnt stress about it this time.. but i guess since it started so well i was really hoping it would work out better.

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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