June 2012 Moms

I feel SO ugly. :(

Yes, I'm gonna rant about this awful cystic acne AGAIN.  I refused to leave my house this weekend because I felt so hideous.  I didn't have the option today, since I do need a paycheck, but I want to crawl in a hole somewhere.  I know it's worth it, blah, blah, blah...  but...  between the pain of the acne, the appearance of the acne, and the hormones making me believe I really am the most hideous thing on the planet...  I feel so stinking ugly!  I don't even want DH looking at me (and it's his fault I'm in this state!  Totally j/k).  I'm considering upgrading to a nicer makeup line that may cover it a bit more (maybe?), but even then...  I will feel the pain & still feel ugly.  This sucks, sucks, sucks.
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