June 2012 Moms

lump in breast

Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting here, but I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience or thoughts on this at all. I am six weeks pregnant and very excited. However, around Oct. 1, 2011 I found a tiny lump in my right breast.  It is moveable and very round which I know are good signs, however it also hurts when I push on it. I have had lumps come and go many many times, so I did not make an appointment right away. My period usually makes the lumps go away but this time I obviously missed my period due to being pregnant.  My husband and I tracked the lump and then I tried to make an appointment when it did not go away. My doctor was not available and then we had to go away for a week. I am just NOW getting an appointment for Nov. 2. I am so surprised that the lump still hasn't gone away and there is pain associated with it when I touch it. However, the breast in general is painful.  After doing some reading I think it sounds more like fibrosis than anything. Do you think I'll just have to have a lump there the entire pregnancy until my hormones change again?  Has anyone else experienced something similar since becoming pregnant?

Thanks in advance! 

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