June 2012 Moms

Sick.. Not Sick... Tired.. Not Tired.... Nervous!!!

Such a long week ahead of me... All week I have been sick one minute and fine the next... the nausea is killer.... Today I have gaged down 3 french toast sticks and a mini bowl of mac n cheese.... last week I had eaten everthing possible by noon... lol I have not gained any weight yet but look like im 4 months along.... its crazy..... I am nervous.. I go for a confirmation/ Colpo appointment tomorrow.... Which is NERVE RACKING.... my DH says to not worry but I cant help but worry about the outcome of this appointment.... Hopefully All goes well and Doc doesnt find anything ...... I have been trying to rest because i feel so drained all day long but when it comes to nap time for my 21m old DS.. I feel a great big burst of energy and slowly it fades as soon as nap time is over im exhausted again.... Since this is my last planned pregnancy I am trying to ENJOY this .. but these symptoms are making it hard....  How is everyone else handling these last few weeks???
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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