Upstate NY Babies

Eve Update

So the dr seems to think her dark circles around her eyes are allergy related..  Of course she did wake up super congested today but she isn't normally.. but it could be part of it, because the circles under my eyes get worse when my allergies and/or sinuses get really bad.. So shes on zyrtec and nasonex daily now,

They tested her hemoglobin level right there and I'm slightly confused about the results. The lab nurse told me it was "perfect".. she told me the number.. I think she said 11.7.. but maybe it was 11.1... Then the dr came back and told me it was "just a little higher than normal" and to get her an iron supplement.(did you know that normal kid vitamins don't have iron? I didn't!)   But anyway.. None of that makes any sense... because I looked it up when I got home and normal hemoglobin for kid is 11-13.. so she's definitely not high and if she was... she wouldn't need MORE iron.. Maybe he meant that it was only a little higher than what is considered acceptable so to supplement her iron. He said it may help her color.

No one brought up any other possiblities.. so I guess its most likely one of those two things.  She goes back in 8 weeks for a recheck.

I hope the medicines help. They were kind of expensive and I want my girl to look and feel better!

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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