June 2012 Moms

Very cautious intro

SO I had my BFP over the weekend- I am not sure what my exact sue date is- because I had a miscarriage that started on September 19/20- and I never recieved my period as I got pregnant a few weeks after the miscarriage- so I am not sure what date to calculate from since I do not know when I ovulated!!! SO I am not sure if I belong on the June boards or July boards- it depends on when I ovulated- it looks like the baby would be born either at the end of June or the beginning of July- so I am introducing myself on both boards....Anyway- I am extremely excited yet very very nervous at the same time.  Here's hoping this is my sticky bean!!!! Good luck to everyone!!!
BabyFruit Ticker BFP #7 2/4/13- EDD 10/20/13
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