June 2012 Moms

Blocked memories of first tri?

So I know there's that whole thing about having fuzzy memories about childbirth because if you remembered it all, you wouldn't do it again...something like that. But could I really have blocked my first trimester out as well?

I know each pregnancy is different but I remember having clear skin (I normally get giant PMS zits), lovely hair, and NONE of the irritability that plagues me every PMS cycle (I can be a real monster sometimes).

Needless to say, I'm a bit flustered by the huge and painful zits all over my face AND back. And my god, is the irritability bad. I've been a cranky @ss b!tch (are naughty words still a no no here?) and just want to hide most days.

Does anyone actually remember these symptoms from first tri in previous pregnancies? Please tell me it will go back to the way I remember it soon.

Also, anyone want to weigh in on whether I should just break out the maternity clothes and embrace my bloat baby?

I haven't gained weight but I already had a little gut left from last time around and spend way too much time trying to dress so I don't look pg. It's getting harder, especially when the temp suddenly jumps back up and I can't hide everything with a hoodie. But I know the instant I put on those maternity clothes, it will be even more obvious and I'll be asked left and right when I'm due (I've had this happen at least half a dozen times when I wasn't pregnant!) and right now only immediate family knows.....

 Sorry....I ramble... 

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