June 2012 Moms

Rough weekend (vent)

My m/s is worse and I started vomiting blood on Friday which continued through the weekend. My OBGYN said that this is due to broken blood vessels in my throat from vomiting so much so she isn't worried but it freaked me out the first time. Saturday, I noticed my dog was acting really sick and thought he had an upset tummy but when he wasn't better Sunday, I took him to the emergency vet and found out he probably has a disease. He's a bit better today and they transferred him to the regular vet but 24 hours at the e-vet cost over $1k and the regular vet will be several hundred at least. He's worth it, of course, but ouch. Then, last night I noticed a tiny bit of brown spotting, which of course had me worried but I haven't seen anything since. I've been throwing up regularly, including in the car driving to the vet this morning (thankfully I had a bag with me because there was nowhere to pull over). It's only 8:30 and I've been up for 3 hours and I want to go back to bed and start over!

Ugh! I feel bad venting anywhere else because I really know I'm blessed to be pregnant and I don't want to complain about my pregnancy but this weekend was really rough and scary and I wanted to vent to people who could understand.

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