June 2012 Moms

possible newborn & "manditory vacation" vent

So DH pointed out today if my due date is accurate, and baby waits the full 40 weeks, we'll be having a 5 week old at my sister's wedding. Now that might not be so bad except she is doing a Disney World wedding and we're in NJ. I can handle the wedding, breastfeeding, running after a 2.5yo, and sleeping in a hotel part with a newborn, but how the H*ll are we getting to FLORIDA!?!?!

 When I even suggested that I may be pregnant or with a newborn around that time 6 months ago I got dirty looks from the family, well now its a reality. Ugh this is gonna suck, I think thats why i blocked the timing until DH mentioned it today...

Our Halloween Treat! Self-weaned at 23months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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