Upstate NY Babies

Some nap questions

If your LO dropped their nap, how old were they when it happened? Do you/did you have them do quiet time instead?

 DD is so off whack and I think she's in transition of trying to drop her nap....which is the day I absolutely dread. I think she's still too young (almost 28mos), but I also have a friend who's son has never really napped, so its hard to say. All I know is that lately she goes 3-4 days without a nap, then she naps a few days in a row. The days she doesnt nap, bedtime is a breeze and she's out cold between 730-8pm and she'll sleep until 8ish the next morning. On nap days, sometimes she won't fall asleep until closer to 9/930 (or later) then be up around 730/8. Her schedule is just so off whack with napping then not-bedtime is all over the place. On days she doesnt nap, I leave her in her crib for an hour and a half just so I get a break-she's usually not very quiet but will play in her crib without crying.  I asked her doc about it at her 2yr appt because even then naps were shaky-he just said all I can do is give her the chance to nap-if she does, great...if not, I can't force her to. I was just hoping this would hold out until after baby 2 arrives so that I could get some sort of break, but I don't think I"ll be so lucky!

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