June 2012 Moms

Howdy June Moms To Be!

I got married on 9/10/11 and stopped taking the pill (after 10+ years) that night, we went on our honeymoon, came back and had my FDLP the week after on the 22nd.  I got a wild and crazy idea to take an at home test-FOR FUN four days before my expected start of my next period and what a surprise...it showed positive!  I thought I was crazy and that it couldn't be right until I read on the box that the kind I got could test up to five days before your expected period (can they even DO THAT?!) We thought we would wait until my expected start date but we couldn't, I took a digital at home a couple of days later..still positive and no faint lines or anything, it said quite clearly "Pregnant".  I made an appointment with my doc a couple of days later who confirmed we are pregnant!  Wow!!  We had decided that we would leave it up to fate...guess fate is smiling on us!! I'm 5 weeks and a couple of days at the age of 33 and from what I can figure out my due date is right about June 29th.  I am feeling extremely blessed right now and very excited...I cannot wait for 10 weeks because I feel like I could shout it from the rooftops!!I'm interested in hearing/reading about everyone else's story and experiences and getting to know y'all along this journey.So grateful...Tiffany 
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