June 2012 Moms

NT scan - yes or no (and have you had it before?)

Hi ladies - it's a little early, but we are already thinking about whether we will do an NT scan when the time comes. We have not decided yet. Our discussion went like this: If we do it and everything is ok then we will feel more relaxed, but if it shows something negative, then we have to make a couple of decisions - 1) go for follow up tests (CVS/amnio) and then 2) if those show something is wrong, then decide whether...I can't even post it. So basically we need to know what path we would go down before even doing the testing b/c otherwise what is the point, right? Our initial research (on pubmed) seems to show some rate of false positive tests, which would be concerning b/c it would add unnecessary anxiety before getting a CVS/amnio (if we even did that).

So...what is everyone else doing? What are your reasons? If you have had one before, were you happy with your choice in doing so? Any thoughts or comments on this subject are appreciated... Thanks!

BFP#1 10/17/11, m/c due to SCH 11/21/11 @ 8w4d; BFP#2 2/26/12 - EDD 11/4/12 image BabyFruit Ticker
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