June 2012 Moms

symptoms calmed down-5weeks 6 days preggo

I hate the word preggo. LOL.

I'm slightly concerned. Not a lot because I still DO have symptoms, I just don't feel like death like I did a week ago. I have had two m/c is the past, and when I miscarried I lost my symptoms completely. It is a normal symptom for me to have cramping, not be able to sleep, wake up a million times a night and so on. I am further now than I was in my last pregnancy before I lost it, and my 1st one was a couple years back. I cannot remember when my symptoms got better in my first pregnancy but my boobs are still sensitive (but they are not burning like they were before), I have occasional cramping (but it's not waking me up 5 times a night). I'm not nearly as sick to my stomach (although some things do set me off). Just not as hormonal (I wanted to rip a few peoples heads off last week and the week prior).

Is it normal for symptoms to calm down? I have had no bleeding. I do recall last pregnancy having early spotting prior to losing my symptoms. I just don't remember if this is normal or not?

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