Upstate NY Babies

Scary thing happened to my bestie's baby (he is ok)

Her DH was walking down their stairs while carrying their 2 month old and he slipped and fell.  The baby hit his head on the stairs.  They called 911.  Ambulance ride and long wait later at the ER and he has a fractured skull.  Thankfully, he has no swelling and no signs of concussion, but he has a really big fracture, goose egg and bruise.  No surgery needed at this point.  So so so so so so scary.  Thank GOD they are keeping him overnight for observation.  I would have been begging them to keep him overnight if there was any question.  I just feel so very badly for the dad.  He is such a good dad and while it could have happened to anyone, I am sure he will be beating himself up for a long time. 

Funny side note.  They live an hour from us with no family nearby, so they rely on my parents for support in case of emergency.  My parents went and picked up their 6 year old to take home for the night.  She has never slept there and has nothing of hers with her.  She keeps asking to sleep between my parents LOL.  Last time she was there (when the baby was born), she taught my mom about superheroes and Tai Kwon Do.  I can't wait to hear about their adventures. 

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