June 2012 Moms

Friend Spilling the Beans - VENT

AHHH!! I could kill my friend!! I was at a gathering at her house and I'm not drinking (of course) and I know she knows me and I'm pretty sure she figured out weeks ago that I'm pregnant. However, I'm not telling anyone yet. Well she decides to basically out me in front of everyone else. She didn't come right out and ask me in front of everyone but I think they all got the hint because they are smart people. Oh I was (and still am) so pissed!!! Why would she think that's ok?! She's one of my closest friends and if I haven't told her it should be obvious that I'm not ready for the world to know. This is MY special thing to share and now I'm pretty sure the secret will be spreading like wildfire. I could cry I'm so angry with her. It's very insensitive. I know she's just really excited but she should have known better.

Sorry to blow up but I needed to vent to someone! Thanks for being here guys!

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