June 2012 Moms


I just wanted to come on here and tell everyone goodbye.  Thursday I started spotting light brown and immediately left work and went home to bed.  Later that evening the spotting turned dark brown.  I called my doctors office and they told me that it was most likely from my progesterone suppositories, to stay off of my feet and continue to rest.  I did not go to work on Friday and continued staying in bed. The brown spotting went back light and stayed that way all day, though it was constant.  Last night around 10pm when administering my evening dose there was bright red blood on the applicator.  I went to the ER.


They ran blood tests, did a pelvic, and an ultrasound.  There was nothing in my uterus and my HCG levels had dropped to 25.  They said it was a completed miscarriage.  I lost the baby sometime between Thursday and last night.


I just want to say thank you to everyone here for all of the positive responses to concerns and all of the camaraderie I have felt.   I used this site before when I was ttc last year and was very happy to again be a part of this community.  I am sure I will be checking in from time to time to see how everyone's pregnancies are progressing and see those beautiful babies when June rolls around.


I will most likely not be back, this baby was not planned, and though my boyfriend and I are mourning our loss, we will not be trying again for at least a couple years.  He is set to be overseas for the next year, and after that we will be relocating to change our long distance relationship to a relationship where we can see each other regularly.  


Good luck to all of you and I am praying for you all continually.  Happy and healthy pregnancies to you all.


Thanks again for everything,



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