June 2012 Moms

Announcing via Christmas cards

Is anyone else doing this? This is our second and most people do not know about our 2 losses. I have a few friends who are struggling with TTC and I know how hard it was personally to see the announcements on FB after my losses so I'm not sure if I want to do the traditional "hey I'm pregnant!" FB announcement. I thought, too this would be an easy way to announce it to extended family and friends, too. I just planned to put DS in a big brother shirt and sign it from all of us and "baby #2 due ____" I also don't think family would be upset to find out this way, as it is the second and if we're not that close to them they won't expect a personal call and such. 

Anyway, just wanted to get everyone's thoughts. I don't want to offend or be tacky. I know a few people who had announced on FB last year at this time but didn't mention it at all on their Christmas cards. So it makes me wonder if there's some unwritten rule I don't know about! 

2 losses June '11 and July '11, forever in our hearts <3<br/> Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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