June 2012 Moms

Whoa nelly am I cranky today. (Vent inside. Please feel free to join me.)

I'm sick of pooping all the time. 15 times a day (I wish I was kidding) is way too much. I have a feeling my PNV is making it worse, and plan on speaking to my doctor on the 31st when I go in to have my medical history, but for now I'm up sh!ts creek without a paddle because all my OB said when I called was, "Stay hydrated." Thanks....I could've told myself that.

I'm so sure I'm gaining weight because nothing healthy seems good right now. I want carbs. I could probably eat an entire loaf of potato bread if you let me. I'm overweight to begin with, and the nurse at the OB (it's a different doctor than my regular one, as my regular doesn't do OB, so this was my first experience) made me feel more uncomfortable ... when I went to confirm my pregnancy she whispered my weight to another nurse filling out paperwork. Now, I know that it was probably about confidentiality, and I shouldn't take it personally ... but with me craving nothing but crap, and with bloating happening like whoa, and clothes not fitting right, and then last night when I was making rice, DH says to me, "So what can you eat ... healthy stuff? And what about exercise?" I know he's just being concerned. But in the entire time we've been together he has never ONCE asked me about my eating habits or exercise habits. When I'm already feeling crappy about how I'm looking, that was not taken wonderfully. (I kept my thoughts to myself though. I knew I would've jumped down his throat and he prly wouldn't have deserved it.)

I'm sick of being a hormonal mess. What the deuce. I know the next 9 mths is going to be even worse, and I can't WAIT to see what that's going to be like because right now I feel like I'm on a roller coaster  - Man V. Food Nation made me tear up.

I'm terrified of how DH and I are going to PAY for LO, since I lose my job on Friday. I'm sick of people asking if I'm applying to jobs. No, I'm sitting on my ass and planning to live off the government until LO turns 18. I'm a social services worker, so I know all the tricks and tips to do to find a job, and have helped TONS of people find one ... and I've been looking since August and have found nothing.

/vent. God bless you if you read this whole thing. 


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