June 2012 Moms

Told my advisor

I had my 1st u/s yesterday, with a strong h/b of 130bpm, and measuring right on track at 6w4d.  My advisor wanted to discuss plans for the next year today, and was a little sheepish to ask if I could stay until at least through next fall semester to train the student that will take over my project after I graduate (which was supposed to be this summer).  Anyway... it seemed like a great opening to tell him that I think I'll have to stay since I need the summer off because I'm having a baby!  I thought he would be upset/anxious, but he was nothing but happy for me, and even offered to hire help for the next 7 months to keep me out of the lab :)  I feel so relieved and grateful to have such a great advisor. 
TTC#1 since 3/11
Dx PCOS, Anovulatory 4/11
8/11- Clomid 50mg/Letrozole 2.5mg- no response
9/11- Clomid 100mg/Letrozole 5mg- BFP!!!
It's a Girl!
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